On Repeat

How to Wear Stripes and Polka Dots How to Wear Stripes and Polka Dots How to Wear Stripes and Polka Dots How to Wear Stripes and Polka Dots
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Top - H&M (similar) | Necklace - (similar) | Jeans - DKNY
Shoes - Target | Purse - Michael Kors

This outfit has been on repeat the past few weekends.  Pretty much since I bought these jeans I've worn them every day during the weekends.  So you'll be seeing a lot of them, I'm sure :)  I'm keeping this short today due to a self-induced sugar coma.  I hope everyone had a great Easter!  And I apologize now for the cuteness overload that will be displayed with tomorrow's Easter pics :)

Thank you so much for all of you that voted for your favorite JewelIQ necklace that you think I should purchase.  The votes were spread out between the three necklaces below.  I was really hoping there would be one clear winner but that would just be too easy for this indecisive gal.  Also, I'm a little disappointed noone liked the floral necklace.  Is it not cute?  I better not quit my day job anytime soon because I might be losing my eye for style :)

 I will keep you posted on the final winner!

JewelIQ Favorites
 1 || 2 || 3

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