Mint Blazer

Mint Blazer and Stripes Mint Blazer and Stripes Mint Blazer and Stripes Mint Blazer and Stripes Mint Blazer and Stripes Blazer - H&M | Top - H&M | Jeans - Gap | Shoes - Target
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Happy Monday!! I hope you all had a great weekend.  We definitely did!  It was full of pink bows and birthday cake :)  One of my best friend's daughter turned 1 this weekend!  Man, how that first year goes by so fast... I can't believe my precious 'niece' is one already.  Here is a pic of sweet Caroline in all her birthday glory :)
She sort of liked the smash cake.  Sweet tooth to the core :) Just the sweetest birthday girl ever!

Anyway, I wore a new mint blazer to the bday party and I think I am more obsessed with that color then ever.  I am now dying for this one  {which is now 20% off so it will probably be mine :)}.  And of course I had to fit in with all the pink and sparkle that I knew would be the main decor of the bday party with my sparkly loafers.  They hit the spot!  What did you all do this weekend???  Any cupcakes, pink pom poms or sparkle loafers make an appearance? 

pssst! Make sure to enter my awesome giveaway here!
