Easter Fun

Quinlan's 1st Easter Egg Hunt!
Easter Pictures Scoping out the competition...  Easter PicturesSo excited!!  Easter PicturesGet it, get it, get it!  His eyebrows kill me.  Easter PicturesThis one is perfect... Easter PicturesI thought he would be scared of the Easter bunny but actually the opposite.  Completely fascinated.
 Easter PicturesThe finished product: Easter PicturesEaster Sunday!  Easter PicturesThe Easter bunny came and left goodies around the house!  Easter PicturesBeing goofy :)  Easter Pictures Cousins Lana and Beckett :) Easter Pictures Buddies. Easter Pictures Fav pic ever.  This is how I will always remember him... Easter Pictures
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We had so much fun this weekend!  Q was at the perfect age this year.  He loved the Easter egg hunts and even the Easter bunny!  My mom and I even had a blast decorating the house with little treats and eggs.  I know this holiday will be even more fun the older Q gets.  But this year was just perfect :)  Family memories, good food, and of course, sugar! Hope you all had a great weekend and a family-filled, sugar-induced, food-so-good-you're-in-a-coma-for-a-week good time!
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