These again?!

Polka Dot Skinny Jeans Polka Dot Skinny Jeans Polka Dot Skinny Jeans Polka Dot Skinny Jeans Polka Dot Skinny Jeans Polka Dot Skinny Jeans

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So you could say I've been obsessed with these jeans.  Ever since I got them in Vegas I have been wearing them constantly. I kept telling myself "I won't see any of the same people today so I can wear these jeans again. Nbd."  Then I remembered that I document my clothing and post it for anyone to see.  Secrets out.  I'm Jonna and I'm addicted to polka dot jeans.  There, I said it.  I know I'm not the only one, though.  Maybe we should start a club.... a polka-dot-jean-obsesed club.  We could be huge.  At least til the next new trend... which is at least a few weeks from now.   So, hurry and get your polka dots on before this whole black and white striped jeans thing I've been seeing around really takes off.  I'm scared for us petite and curvy girls... real scared.
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