Weekend Reminders

Mirrored Floral Shift Dress Mirrored Floral Shift Dress Mirrored Floral Shift Dress Mirrored Floral Shift Dress Mirrored Floral Shift Dress
Dress - H&M | Necklace - In Pink | Purse - Michael Kors | Shoes - Target
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Hope you guys had a great weekend!  We did a lot of spring cleaning which felt awesome!  We rearranged our bedroom which totally needed a refresher.  We cleaned the pantry too which felt great to get rid of things that had expired or that I knew we would never.  We could totally eat from our pantry for at least two weeks with as many cans and product that are stashed in there.  But yet I still feel like I need to go to the store because we have nothing to eat.  I started to realize how horrible it is that we throw away so much food on a regular basis. 

This thinking all started because I am reading the book "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls.  It is a memoir about the author's life growing up in a dysfunctional and poor family.  Just hearing the stories about how the family got through the tough times without food, heat or even a home was very humbling.  It is such a captivating book and I would recommend it for sure!  If anything, it is a good reminder of everything I have to be grateful for.  Those reminders can't happen often enough, really.

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Get your hands on this book, like, asap!

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