Pop O' Pink!

Polka Dot Cardigan with Pencil Skirt Polka Dot Cardigan with Pencil Skirt Polka Dot Cardigan with Pencil Skirt Polka Dot Cardigan with Pencil Skirt

Pink has always been my favorite color.  I went through phases where purple or yellow caught my eye {never blue, by the way} but pink always was the winner in my book.  I noticed about a year ago that I hardly had any pink items in my wardrobe.  Like maybe one top and that was it.  So, I was on a mission to change that!  Now, I own so much pink I probably wear pink almost every day.   We're talking multiple pink shoes, pink pants and even a pink coat.  Luckily the whole neon and bright color trend is sticking around! 
Unfortunately, today I noticed I hardly own a single red article of clothing.  If the pink wardrobe is any predictor of what might happen, I think I will need a red intervention by next Christmas. 
What colors are you obsessed with lately???


Miriam said...

love the colours and the styles and shapes look amazing on you :o)