I wish I could say these randoms were highs from this week... but unfortunately it's just been one of those weeks. Definitely a big high five for Friday!

For those of you that follow my Bachelor rants and raves here on the blog, I feel like moron! In my last post about the Bachelor, I totally thought this week's episode was going to be the finale. And I was totally predicting who would win and la de da. Well... we still have two weeks left! Ha! So since I didn't feel like this episode warranted a full post about it I will just give you a few of my favorite moments... I am so glad that AshLee was pissed rather than devastated when she got sent home. Even though, I'm sure she really was devastated inside. But she didn't show it as much as I thought she would. I know I would be pissed if I were one of the girls in the final episodes. Couldn't Sean give her an inkling or sign that things aren't progressing or even let her know he's having reservations about their relationship? I don't know... I just feel like a slap in the face break up is never the best way to end things.
Quinlan has been sick this week with the stomach flu. I always thought that when I became a Mother I wouldn't be able to take care of my child when they would get sick because I would end up getting sick right there on the spot with them. Well my motherly instincts kicked in, just like they're supposed to, and somehow I went into caretaker/survivor mode. I guess it's just one of the million things that doesn't phase you when its your child. Even though Q has been sick, we have still had lots of fun hanging out all day together. And lots of cuddlling. I mean it is the cure for most illnesses.
I don't know where he learned the words cheese and wine... Definitely not from me...
I did teach him his ABCs though. More like his ABCDEFGs {and repeat}.
I got a text and email from Target informing
me that they have a promotion for 20% off $75 worth of clothing, shoes
and accessories. Really. They are killing me...
And the best part of the week... reaching 100 followers! Thanks so much for all of you that follow along! I appreciate every one of you and the comments that you leave. You guys are awesome!! And I will be doing a giveaway for you all on Monday as a THANK YOU for being amazing :)
Sorry for all the randoms today... It's just what's been going on. That and cuddling. Hope you all get your cuddle time in this weekend :)
And the best part of the week... reaching 100 followers! Thanks so much for all of you that follow along! I appreciate every one of you and the comments that you leave. You guys are awesome!! And I will be doing a giveaway for you all on Monday as a THANK YOU for being amazing :)
Sorry for all the randoms today... It's just what's been going on. That and cuddling. Hope you all get your cuddle time in this weekend :)
Linking up with From My Grey Desk