DIY Glittered Chevron Pumpkin

Happy Halloween week!  I can't believe the end of October is already here.  In case October has flown by for you as well, here is a fun craft you can do this week before Halloween passes us by!  

Supplies Needed:
*Spray Adhesive
*Acrylic Paint 
*Paint Brush
*Painter's Tape
1. Use the painter's tape to create a chevron design around the pumpkin.  
You can do as many rows as you would like!
2. Spray adhesive on the rows you would like glitter. 
{Make the glitter rows first! If you paint the black rows first 
you will end up with glitter on all of the rows}
3. Use the paint brush to paint the colored rows.
3. Peel the painters tape off while the paint and glitter are still wet!
Trust me, if you wait until the paint is dry, the tape will pull everything off with it!

The final product: 
Glittered Chevron Pumpkin!*
*the lighting got really bad by the end of our project so I apologize for the harsh flash!

And in case you were wondering, here is a sneak peak of Q's halloween costume :)

Happy Hallow's Eve!
